This is a fundamental bridal make-up course for candidates who want to become a bridal make-up artist. Throughout this program, learner enable to learn the concept of make-up, skill of make-up techniques, studio bridal make-up, Day & Dinner bridal make-up and bridesmaid makeup.
On completion of this qualification you may choose to undertake further study:
- Level 3 Award in Bridal Hairstyling
- Level 3 Award in Asian Bridal Make-up
- Bridal HD Airbrush Makeup Course
对于想成为新娘化妆师的学生,这是一门初级的专业新娘化妆课程。 在整个课程中,学习者可以学习化妆的概念,化妆技巧,摄影新娘化妆,日间和晚宴新娘化妆和伴娘妆。
- 新娘发型三级文凭
- 亚洲新娘化妆三级文凭
- 新娘高清喷枪化妆课程
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