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A speck of dirt, dust, and an eyelash, are things that will tell your body to make more tears to flush it out. Even stuff that’s too small to see, like particles in smoke or chemicals in onions, triggers this reaction. Once the problem has been swept away, your eyes should stop watering. But there are other eye problems and health issues that can make you tear up more often too.

Dry Eyes

This problem often occur when your body doesn’t make enough tears. They dry up too fast, or they don’t have the right balance of water, oils and mucus. Windy days, medical conditions are all causes of dry eyes and your eyes react by making more tears.


This is a common cause of watery eyes for both children and adults. It can result in making one or both of the eyes look pink or red. It can feel itchy and gritty too, just like there’s sand in your eyes. This issue is cause by infections of bacteria or viruses.

Blocked Tear Duct

Normally, tears flow out of the tear glands above your eye, spread across the surface of your eyeball and drain into ducts in the corner. But if the ducts get clogged, the tears build up and your eye gets watery. Aging, injuries and infections are the cause to this problem.

Scratch on the eye

Dirt, sand and contact lenses can scratch the outside of the eyeball, which is cornea. If this happens, your eye may tear up, hurt, look red and be sensitive to light. It’s important to see a doctor if you might have a corneal scratch, although it usually will heal in a day or two.


They have more obvious symptoms such as swollen, red, painful lump along the edge of your eyelid other than can make your eye teary. Bacteria are the cause, and a stye will probably go away on its own in a few days. Leave it alone until it is totally recovered and don’t try to pop it like a pimple. You will spread the infection.


This condition makes your eyelids swell, usually near the eyelashes. Your eyes might sting and be watery, red, itchy and crusty. Infections, rosacea and allergies can cause it.