Oral health is important as we will need to communicate with other people. It is pretty easy to improve your breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy at the same time. Try these simple steps to make your mouth feel fresh and clean. Brush […]
Night blindness is a type of vision impairment also known as nyctalopia. People with night blindness experience poor vision at night or in dimly lit environments. You may have difficulty seeing or driving in darkness. Some types of night blindness are treatable while other types […]
Strong and healthy hair is what many people wish for these days. There are so many factors that could affect the growth of healthy and strong hair, including, age, overall health, genetics, environmental exposure, stress index, medication, and diet. Although there are some factors that […]
Although you are not running to the salon for chemical treatment every month or hitting the beach and the pool full of chlorine, your tresses are still vulnerable. But, do you know that there are many ways that you do not know that could harm […]
Leucorrhea or vaginal discharge is a normal occurrence for all women. The purpose of leucorrhea is to clean and moisture the vagina and prevent infection. A normal leucorrhea is usually clear or milky, while abnormal discharge might be yellow or greenish with a bad smell. […]
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, many people do not have healthy breakfast habits. Their common reasons to skip breakfast are they do not have time to eat, are not hungry and so on. But what they do not know is […]
The whites of the eyes, known as the sclera, can be an important health signal. When a person is healthy, the sclera is white. However, if the sclera turns yellow, this might indicate an underlying health problem. So, what are the causes of yellow eyes? […]
Did you know that our fingernails act as a window to our nutritional status and inner health? The changes in the fingernail, such as the colour, texture, thickness, contour and so on, may reflect our internal problems. Therefore, to predict our health, we should not […]
你有没有面对过这样的问题?自己的双脚和脚趾时常会感觉冰冰凉凉的,甚至晚上要穿睡眠袜睡觉,不然会因为不舒服而睡不好。究竟脚为何总是冰凉呢?下面,就让我们来看一看原因吧。 血液循环不好 脚冷的其中一个原因是因为血液循环不好。久坐不起、吸烟、心脏疾病、高胆固醇等等,这些因素都会导致腿部的血液循环不畅,造成双脚冰凉。 压力大 随着现代社会的生活节奏越来越快,现代人的精神压力也越来越大。当人处于压力和焦虑之下,身体就会产生肾上腺素并注入血液之中,这会使血管收缩,减少血液流向身体远端,导致双脚发冷。 心脏衰弱 双脚冰凉也有可能是心脏衰弱的表现。血液由心脏发出,携带氧气到全身各部位,氧经过燃烧后产生热能,手脚才会温暖。然而,如果心脏衰弱就无法使血液供应到身体末梢部位,这就会造成手脚冰冷的情形。 低温 在低温环境下,双脚发凉也是一种正常的生理现象,这是因为血管会随着气温而热胀冷缩。天气冷时,四肢上的血管就会收缩,这会使血液回流能力减弱,从而导致手脚冰冷。 阳气不足 中医有个说法,阳气是维持生命活力的根本力量,有着温煦身体的作用。如果阳气不足,血液就无法输送到四脚末端,于是人便会畏寒、手脚冰凉。一个人阳气不够的话,就算在睡前做了保暖措施也还是会脚冷。
在现代都市人的生活中,眼睛干涩的症状很常见。无论是小孩、学生、上班族甚至是花甲老人都有可能会眼睛干涩,有时还会伴随着异物感、烧灼感、疲劳感等等的不适症状。如果不加以重视这个问题,就可能会患上干眼症, 严重的话还会导致视力障碍和失明。那么,眼睛干涩究竟是怎么一回事呢? 眨眼次数太少 眨眼可以帮助泪水的分泌和分布,对眼球起到保护和滋润的作用。如果在某些活动集中注意力时就会缺乏眨眼的动作,例如长时间对着电脑工作、阅读书籍、玩手机、驾驶等等。这会导致眼球表面暴露的时间长,泪液蒸发过多,引起眼睛干涩。 长时间戴隐形眼镜 眼球表面有一层的泪膜,它主要的作用是保护眼睛表面的滋润。当人们佩戴隐形眼镜时, 在一定的程度上会改变泪膜的稳定性。尤其软性隐形眼镜更容易加速泪液的蒸发, 长时间佩戴的话会导致眼睛干涩、有异物感。 缺乏维生素A 维生素A能够保护眼部健康,防止角膜干燥及退化,是人体最重要的营养素之一。当人缺乏维生素A时,泪液分泌会失衡,眼睛适应光的能力也会下降,这将会引起眼睛出现干涩、容易疲劳的症状。 环境问题 长时间处在空气污染、强风燥热的环境,或者是停留在有空调的室内也是导致眼睛干燥的原因之一,这是因为这些环境的湿度太低,会加速泪液的蒸发,容易使眼睛发干、发涩。 药物 长期服用药物也可能会出现干眼现象,比如某些降压药会降低眼内压力,使泪液分泌减少,抗抑郁药、安眠药也会影响生成泪液的神经信号。其它有可能会导致眼睛干涩的药物还有利尿剂、降血压药、抗组胺药等等。另外,过于频繁地使用带有血管扩张剂成分的眼药水也会造成泪液分泌不足,加剧眼睛干涩的症状。