Did you know that our fingernails act as a window to our nutritional status and inner health? The changes in the fingernail, such as the colour, texture, thickness, contour and so on, may reflect our internal problems. Therefore, to predict our health, we should not ignore the state of nails when trimming them. Here’s how to determine your health by looking at your nails.
White Spots
White spots on nails usually indicate Qi and blood deficiency, or lack of nutrients such as calcium and zinc. However, if there are too many white spots on the nails, it could be a sign of Neurasthenia. In this case, you should be aware of your sleep quality and fatigue symptoms. White spots may also occur due to a minor injury to the nail.
The lunula at the base of the fingernail can reflect the body’s metabolism. If the lunula becomes larger for a short period of time, it indicates a fast metabolic rate, which may be a sign of Hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, if the lunula becomes smaller, the body’s metabolism has slowed down, which could be Hypothyroidism or malnutrition.
Vertical Ridges
Vertical ridges in the fingernails may be a symptom of lack of sleep and overuse of the brain, but experts also said that it could be caused by aging.
Horizontal Ridges
The occurrence of horizontal ridges can be a sign of more severe health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, thus have to look after it and get a medical check-up in time.
Nail sunken in
If nails are shaped like a little spoon, it can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia or Hemochromatosis. The fungal infection (grey toenail) can also cause uneven nails. In addition, people with diabetes and thyroid problems may also have concave nails.
Thin and brittle
When the nails are thin, soft and brittle, it could be a sign of malnutrition, such as a lack of iron, calcium, vitamins or protein. It can also be caused by overexposure to chemicals, like detergents, nail polish remover and household cleaners.
Nail colour becomes lighter or darker
Healthy nails should generally be a pink colour. If there are any nail colour changes, it could be a clue to a health problem. For example, pale nails are a sign of Qi and blood deficiency. Yellow or blue nails are a sign of lung diseases. If the nails are yellow, but the bottom is reddish, it could be a sign of diabetes. Dark purple nails indicate poor circulation. Black nails can result from a traumatic injury or a sign of serious health problems, such as Melanoma.