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Artwork Opening Ceremony

?Air Itam Market Annex Foodcourt

Thank you YB Joseph Ng Soon Siang for once again inviting us to be part of the Artwork OP Ceremony at Air Itam, it is an honor to contribute and participate in this opening ceremony. ??✨
The theme of bamboo shade was “Pulau Pinang”, and we are so proud of the beautiful artwork that our SPIC College students produced. ??
Special thanks to the inspiring teachers, Ms. Rehneel Leow, Ms.Jess Teh, Ms.Jess Chew and Ms Germaine Leow for their guidance. Also, a big thank you for interview session by the amazing press conference! ??

非常感谢尊敬的 YB Joseph Ng Soon Siang 黄顺祥 议员再次邀请我们参加亚依淡艺术作品开幕典礼,能够在这次开幕仪式中做出贡献并参与其中,我们感到十分荣幸。??✨

特别感谢富有启发性的老师 Rehneel Leow老师和 Jess Teh老师,Jess Chew老师和Germaine Leow老师他们给予了学生们悉心的指导。还要感记者们的采访,对于这次访谈环节,我们也要表示衷心的感谢!??