Graduation Speech
2018年的7月份,由于我来自吉打 所以一个人来到槟城SPIC美容学院读书。一开始会不习惯这地方 怕会遇到各种各样的人之类的。很庆幸的,当初选择这学院是对的 因为导师们都和蔼可亲 遇到不懂的东西都很耐心地教我.经过了几个月的学习 才发现学美容并不是单单帮人家洗脸那么简单而已 还要学会皮肤学,人体结构,细胞学,等等...还有很多要学的知识。
导师很用心的教导我们并一直让我们知道市场上的需求 虽然导师很严格但都是好的,很开心能够遇到这么好的导师。接下来的路我们要各走各的了 希望我的朋友们都可以对美容这行业一直奋斗下去 坚持到底!短短的8个月时间 说长不长 说短不短 还是蛮舍不得的。
非常感谢化妆导师的指导,同时也要谢谢我的模特儿一直来回亚罗士打让我练妆 。I LOVE SPIC 得奖感言: 很开心又很惊喜的得了新娘化妆比赛的殿军。得了这个奖 让我对新娘化妆这方面更有兴趣更有信心自己的手艺了。

在 Sense Perfect International College 的生活过得很快,一眨眼就毕业了,在这期间我也完成了 ITEC beauty Level 2 ,ITEC IPL Level 4 , SKM Beauty Level 2. 回首这一年又九个月的时间里有着和蔼的老师和助教,可亲的同学,留下了我许多美好的回忆,有欢声笑语,在这里我们增长了知识,展示了自我,找到了梦想,找到了目标,这里的所有一切,我都恋恋不舍!老师教会我的,是我永远的财富。学校带给我的,是我永远的回忆。朋友伴随我的,是我永远的情谊。我会带着这一年又九个月来所学的知识踏入社会,感谢在这里遇到的每一位老师,每一位同学。能获得这些奖项是我人生中最大的惊喜。我从来没有想我会得到这么大的奖杯我真的非常高兴。感谢我的家人,朋友的支持和一路陪伴,如果没有你们,也没有今天的我。感谢美丽的校园,给予了我飞翔的翅膀,感谢亲爱的老师和同学,给予我展翅翱翔的信心和勇气。

I am honoured to express my gratitude on behalf of the beauty class and college which is Sense Perfect International College.
First of all, I would like to thanks my family. Thank them for their full support. Without them, I will be not be here today.
Then, I would like to thanks our teacher Ms. Rehneel and Ms. Chew for your patience & care. And, thank the college for trying to find a sponsor for us and let us have the opportunity to learn. Learned “how to communicate with customer” and “How to solve problems of customer”. Thanks to my classmates for their help and guidance, of course we are helping each other too. Whenever I'm not confident, they will encourage me.
Great to meet each of you in my life.

Looking back at the past sweet, bitter, joys, sorrows, I really should be thankful to the predecessors, leaders and friends whom I meet because of fate. If it is not your guidance, lessons and teaching, I should not grow so fast. Thanks, grateful companionship.
It is the fate that is destined for you and me to meet, know each other, cherish each other, and get acquainted. Now I have completed the International Beautician Level 2 exam, which means I have arrived at a rest stop.
As the saying goes, rest is to go a long way, just like our life. Every choice of life is in your own hands for a long time, still can’t see the direction; some things have been thinking for a long time, still feel confused and confused. There are thousands of possibilities in life. In fact, no matter which one you choose, it is the best arrangement. Most importantly, you have to dare to make choices and work hard toward yourself. Every calm and calm day is the future that we are worried about yesterday. Boldly change, take the initial heart and dreams to go next! Fly high!
"Youth is the most beautiful song, as long as you sing full-heartedly."

Winning Speech
Dummy Eyebrow Contest 2018
Champion: Candice Ong’s acceptance speech
Bride Creative Nail Art Competition 2019
Champion: Wong Wei Wei winning speech
Modern Creative Mask Competition 2020
Champion: Alyssa’s testimonials
Keratin Fix Professional Eyelash Lifting Competition 2020
Champion: Ng Ying Yi’s winning speech